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Sunday, January 9, 2011



woah! ini adelah second post dlm masa satu hari.yezaaa.

9th jan 2011.A VERY BIG DEAL telah dibuat.

i just agreed with ba's idea.he said he will find 'someone' for me.and he gave a few reasons why he wanna choose for me.

n mgkin this sudden idea dtg at the correct time.skrg tgh heartless.so anytg,i'll just let ummie ayah,ba ma to decide.

yg psti lmbt lagi la kannn.kasi hbes blaja dpt krja kasi stable dulu la bro.hehh.haha.

dan harus igt.manusie hny mmpu merancang.selebihnye kuasa dan kerja Allah swt :)

eeman G ;)


Amatullah said...

hahahhaha.tolong ah da pk kawen. fewwiit.

eh tibe2 kte pon igt nk mintak mak n abah kte je plih hohoxD

nurul eeman said...

kite tak fikir.tp hari tu ba ckp mcm tu.dan die sgt serious.takott wohh.
tp elok je jgak,bcnte lepas kawin :D

skjap.awk xnk kite pilehkan? :P

Amatullah said...

pilihkn? opppss kte da ad calon xD

nurul eeman said...

haaaa.calon kamu tu berape ramai kak?? tettt~