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Saturday, December 13, 2008

:: working days ::

salam to all...wahh sgt lame tak update muh blog..

alritey..1st of all mekaseh utk rkn2 kerje sat group a yg bayek hti melepak di park klcc pas abes keje kunun* celebrate my burfday..26 nov ari tu pas abes keje g la mkn aiskem di park klcc..melepak smabel mndgr crite2 hung kian mmg saket perot ktawe..thanx utk sume iaitu zahra'..raden..nurlin..huda..aiman..hung kian..arvindt and sean yg comel2 nyanyikn bday song 4 me..u guys r so sweet n it would be one of the best moment dgn rkn2 sat...mekaseh ye..

the next day still keje..OMG! waktu naek train i tried to communicate dgn vimal...but i cant coz i lost my voice...snappp...cne nih..act few days be4 mkn2 aiskem to tgh dmam..dah gatal sgt mkn aiskem esok tu ilang r sore...haha..bongok je! da r kames tu dudok kat diorama explain bnd2 yg agk pnjg...smp de satu visitor ni siap bg strepsil bagai..haha..ade yg suro amek mc la sbb xde suare..haha..thanx..thanx..thanx...

last day keje...hoho..sadiss gile..
pg2 lagiey my sis..n 2org adek sdare ikot g petrosc..tp by the time kitorg smpi petrosc xbkak lagi utk visitors..so diorg tngu kat lua dlu..lepas roll call i went to my station which is exploration..haha still xde suare lagi..sian zahra'..agk la kan..die bertngkus lumus cite psl balancing fork tu..cri kat mane center of gravity...complicated gile argh..then adek abg fakhrin ajar trick2 kunun* magic..haha..part tu mmg best..

ptg slps abes recap kitorg g bilik disco maen game lebey kurg cm happy family..tp terbalik..cm ala2 evil siket..stiap sorg dpt card..dekt card tu ade gmbr..same ade wolf..healer or villagers...nnt wolf tu akn buno org time tgh mlm...lepas tu kalau healer tu heal kan org yg wolf tu nk buno so terselmt la org tu..time 2nd round tu huda terbuno...ade sorg abg tu suke suki...die kate sy membunoh huda...uwaaahhhh...tidakkk..i'm not a killer..neither a wolf..i'm just a villager..haha die kate muke konon2 innocent je ni mst sy yg mbuno huda...cehhh...rupenye2 time 2nd round tu sume kerje busuk abg fakhrin dgn hazmi..muke suci je.....ahahhaa....

lol...rindu gile nk keje....tgk ar rezeki bebile nnt an...tp mmg miss gile arh petrosc...!!

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