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Saturday, December 11, 2010


yeahhh right.im back.sangat lame xupdate blog.and dah lame bercdg nk update tp tak-ter-update.dan reason knpe tbe2 nk update? biarlah i keep that myself =]

i was thinkg to create a new one.psl blog ni dlu buat mase zaman maseh bersekolah.bkn ape,tp blog ni reminds me kpd mcm2 bnd.so igtkan nk create a new one tp nnt lah.one day i'll surely come with my new one.hehe.

oh ye.tahun 2010 da nk hbes.and skrg pon baru masuk muharram.and yes,tahun 2010 i would say tahun paling mcm2 jadi.obviously ade best ade xbest.tp boleh kate sakeeett jugak lah ye.lg2 these past few months,i was having my hard times.MY HARD TIMES! emosi xstabil lagi2 mase tgh final.ai pon boleh jiwe kacau ye :P

ye.dah la final satu hal,dan emosi plg xstabil this year pulak jatoh waktu period tu.lg skali,amat sakit ye.sakit ya amat.haha.

dan the best part is,after 3 years i knew smtg that i was never expected.tgh cuti final juge boleh sakit ye.xpe.alhamdulillah.at least i knew it after 3 years bkn after 5 years! kannnn?
gile apeeee.yeah,u can never imagine sakit emosi berbulan2 tu mcm mane.haha.

sokeh.now im getg better.im trying to get myself motivated.betol.dan iye.susah sikit la.how can u change bnd yg slalu buat bertahun2 dlm tempoh sgt kejap.phm tak it takes time? phm kan? :)

mgkin slame ni you can hide your actual attitude.but not now.u live with your friends,family and org2 sekeliling.lame2 crite sbnr org tau jugak.kaannn?

blog sungguh random dan tidak bermotif.haha.n yes,im going to update it soon!



Emmet F. Benrahem said...

wow.gila lama ah nak update.

nurul eeman said...
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Adamidon said...

be strong eeman! kte support eeman in any ways ok. go eeman, fighting! xD

nurul eeman said...

aaaauuwww adaaaam.soooo tweeeett.haha.ok.bhs mcm nk kene lempang kan? haha.thanks sgt2 adam.ckp kat mak kite rndu mak! haha :D